Monday, 11 July 2016

Article Writing Can Drive Traffic to Your Website

Earning through Websites:
There are many companies like Google, AdBrite etc., who pay the webmaster a few dollars, for displaying the ads on their website. But to make a considerable amount of pay, your site should have a good traffic. In fact, traffic is one of the most important criteria that the advertising companies look at.
Increasing traffic:
The traffic of a website increases only when people in huge numbers start visiting the site. So basically, if you need to increase the traffic rate, you need to have the following criteria's.
1. Good content
2. Correct information
3. Nice layout
4. Pleasing phrases
5. Faster loading
Definitely, any website following these points will have a good traffic.
The first point listed upon increasing the traffic of any website is the content. Basically, content is nothing but information text that is found in the website. Articles are the most classy information text that helps the site to increase the traffic. Statistical data says that articles are the most referred source of interest preferred by people to gain information and knowledge. Websites which are based on articles do top the list all the times.
There are many websites carrying articles available in the internet. Articles on these websites are based on very many classifications and titles. Some of the commonly noted titles are Insurance, Gadgets, Electronics, Forex, Share markets etc. Articles are generally written by people who are in that particular field. Perhaps, an article is an expression of experience. So reading such articles will give you profound thoughts and knowledge on various fields, particularly Forex and Share markets. Many of these sites also hold a place for discussion on the written article. This helps people to discuss the contents. As a result, the traffic will increase and give your website a nice rating. This will allow you to earn money with the ads. The sites that holds a diversified article list ranks the top. There are many article based websites like ezine articles, which basically holds a very large database of articles.
Summing up:
The articles that are written on various degrees and titles improves the quality of the site and hence the traffic and thereby the ranking. It is not so easy to please the reader's thirst of knowledge. But a site which does is really what it is!

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Custom Essay Writing - Should You Buy Essays Online?

Custom essay writing services are rampant on the web these days. Every time I turn around, it seems like there is a new website selling essays to unsuspecting college students around the world. These companies are unethical and doing their customers a major disservice.
Keep reading to find out why you should never pay money for an essay online.
Where do essay writing services get their essays? Although many of these companies would like you to believe that they are creating essays with a qualified team of writers, most of these so-called essay writing services actually outsource their writing to India and other countries. Think of it: someone in New Delhi is getting paid a few bucks an hour to write your college paper.
Why is it so bad to buy an essay that was produced in a foreign country? Besides the obvious waste of an opportunity to grow intellectually and the apparent waste of your college tuition, an essay written by a foreigner is simply not going to reflect the expectations of a college writing class in the United States.
Many custom essay writing services will also provide you with a finished document that is recycled from previously composed work for other customers. Some of these essays even get reproduced online and become easy for your instructor to catch and dismiss as simple plagiarism.
As a college writing instructor myself, I have found it very easy to identify essays that students either buy online or pay someone else to write. It is not difficult and often very obvious when it happens. I want to urge you to think twice (even three times) about making this error next time you think about skipping an assignment and finding an essay for sale on the web. Not only will you be throwing away your college education, you're also very likely to get caught!

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Academia-Research: One of the Best Freelance Writing Sites

This post is an introduction to freelance writing. Do you love to write and make money from it? You can actually look for trusted freelance sites that will pay you for your writing skills.
You write quality essays or articles, they will pay you for that in a justifiable rate! This post is actually my first review at the first freelance site I joined way back 2007! Before I thought they were just joking, but writing online for customers is compensating!
If you want to start earning money through writing American Academic essays then you are ready to register as a writer at!
I have spent some of my precious time looking for legit freelance writing sites, but I have not tried them as much as I've tried the loyalty of Academia to their writers! If you joined there, you are given full support!
Okay, let me define to you in my own words, base on my writing experiences there!
What is Academia-Research?
It's a trusted freelance writing sites for those who aspires to become a professional writer, earn from their skills and manage their own time for completing customer orders!
If you want to earn decent money, apply now to become one of the writers at Academia! Prove that you are worthy to accept customer orders because they keep up high quality outputs! So, only deserving writers will be luckily granted to write for Academia.
What is the test you going to take to become a writer?
They have an initial registration for you to complete... so prepare yourself! And do not forget to update your CV! It's needed... after few or 3 days, they will email you for a test essay! You are given time frame to complete it...
The final decision is base on your written essay! It must be unique, of quality, original and precise! Remember, they are the one that will give you the topic! Always support your idea with trusted references and resources... it can be taken from printed materials or trusted web resources.
How much they will pay you?
It's of different rate per page! Sometimes there is a 2-page essay for $4 each page. Last day I have completed an order for $7, and it's a single page essay! If you will become a premium writer, you will receive more privileges; you don't have to bid for orders as what general writers do before they can start writing any. Anyway, going premium is a long way to go. The secret is to write quality essays to satisfy your customers, and complete that on time! And always communicate your customers as well as the admin at the message board - you will soon know that!
Is it hard to work for Academia?
Yes, it is. Getting money as a professional writer is not easy. Both online and offline job are challenging, the only difference is you are free! Academia admin is not your boss - you are the boss of yourself, you set your working schedule, etc.
Anyway, you are not writing simple article here, you are far serious than that! You need to follow the standard format and referencing for academic essays, the American one! Familiarize and carefully study APA and MLA style of writing.
Can you quit your job if you are accepted at Academia?
It's up to your level! Are you versatile and skillful enough to bid all available assignments and orders? Topics vary, from economics to science, to engineering, etc... There are many available orders throughout the day, but not all of them are of the same subject... I can only bid one or two, sometimes it's refused by Academia because there is more capable writer to write it, or a premium write has picked the order for himself... either way, you will still be lucky to receive 1 or 2 orders, always start with small ones, e.g. 2 to 5 pages essays!

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The Advantages To Using Black Ink Instead Of Blue

For generations, the colour ink of choice in pens has been blue. The reason behind blue ink comes from the creation of the first pens - blue ink was easier to produce from natural sources, and as more colours were developed, the majority continued to buy the more easily obtainable and cheaper inks. Many people argue that blue is easier to read on the white paper, but in this day and age, and in the computer generation is it time everyone switched to black ink pens?
Why Use Blue Pens.
The only valid reason for still using a blue ink pen is that many believe that a signature in blue ink, is a good way to clearly see that a document has been signed, and is an original, not a photocopy, or digital version that has simply been printed. This is of course, nonsense nowadays, as printers can easily replicate any colour, and can easily print a letter with a blue signature at the bottom.
Why Switch To Black Ink.
It is most probably that any document that you fill-in, put your signature on, or complete will eventually be scanned and stored digitally. Black ink is much easier for scanners and photocopiers to detect and read, making a clearer copy.
Important documents - such as government forms or students essay and exam papers should always be completed in black ink for the same reason.
For these reasons alone, it is always better to carry or have easy access to a black pen.
As this article has shown, there are few, if no reasons to continue to use blue ink. The ascetics of a hand written blue letter may look more pleasing, and give the impression of a unique document, but in reality it can be replicated and printed from a computer just as a black ink letter.

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How to Begin Writing an Essay - The Power of 3 For an Easy Takeoff

So, you've finally sat down to write your essay that is probably due very soon. You're staring at the blank screen thinking to yourself: "Why do I have to do this?!" You're probably having a bunch of other thoughts that you're welcome to share with me and my readers. Let's face it: you have the Acquired White Page Fear Syndrome.
I hear you because I've been there. I've found out for myself that the hardest part of writing an essay is writing that first sentence. So, what is the cure?
The Power of Three:
Write your essay in 3 steps
  1. Write your Thesis Statement
  2. Write your Body
  3. Do the Power Proofread
To Write your Thesis Statement:
  1. Choose your Subject
  2. Choose the Verb
  3. Come up with Three Supporting Points (Yes, the Power of Three again)
1. Your subject is essentially what your essay is about.
Here's an example of a Thesis Statement:
Video gaming benefits the players' health.
What is the Subject of this sentence? In other words, what is this sentence about? It's about Video Gaming. Note that it's not just about video games or the players. It's about the act of playing video games specifically.
2. The Verb simply describes What the Subject Is or Does.
In this example, the Subject is Video Gaming. So, what does it do, according to the thesis statement? It benefits the players' health. So, the verb is 'benefits.'
Now that you have the Subject and the Verb (and, in this case, the Object as well, which is 'the players' health), your Thesis is done. But a Thesis is only the main part of the Thesis Statement. In order to complete the Thesis Statement, you need to do Step 3:
3. Come up with Three Supporting Points (Yes, the Power of Three again).
So, instead of being stuck thinking of what to write next, here is a great way to make your essay creativity explode:
Come up with 3 Supporting Points to support your Thesis. What can they be? The easiest thing to do is to just think of your thesis as an answer to a question. So, if the aforementioned thesis is the answer, then what would be the question?
How does video gaming benefit the players' health?
In which ways does video gaming benefit the players' health?
And since you are using the Power of Three, here's your answer:
Video gaming benefits the players' health in three ways.
Okay. Do you see where this is going? Now you have a nice little structure forming. And all you have to do is to come up with three ways that video gaming can benefit the players' health. Here are just some of the ideas:
Video Gaming can benefit health in the following ways:
  • It improves hand-eye coordination
  • It provides a relief from stress
  • It burns calories
Wow! I can't believe I just came up with three health benefits of video gaming! And I did it without doing any research. And it took me about a minute. Now, if you're writing a research paper, then you better go on the Internet and do a simple search to validate these claims. However, if you're just writing for a writing class, such as English 101, then chances are that your professor or instructor doesn't care if you've done your research and only cares about the quality of your essay.
And now - your complete thesis statement:
Video gaming benefits the players' health in three ways. First, it improves hand-eye coordination. Second, it provides a relief from stress. And finally, it burns calories.
And that's your first paragraph. Now, depending on how many pages your essay needs to be, just focus on a section at a time and provide some evidence. I'll show you how to do just that in another article.

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Freelance Writing Services - How To Choose A Content Writing Company

Many freelance writing companies offer a wide variety of services, with some being entirely online based and therefore very affordable. They have a competent team of expert freelance writers who have vast experience in all areas such as commercial, social and academic.
Because of the web based nature of these companies, all that is required from a client is to merely log on to their site and detail the specifications of what needs to be written on their behalf. In addition, it should be stated how urgent the work is, so as to have it delivered within any deadline beyond the normal terms. A well written piece of work can only be obtained if the client place orders that are very concise and explicit, with clear and appropriate instructions.
Within academic writing, many students have derived immense benefit from freelance writing companies. This is because the writing of an essay is not a simple task for certain students especially those who are in their first year. There is usually a considerable learning curve before these students start writing quality academic papers which will earn them good grades. In these case students are normally required to spend some time doing due diligence before placing their orders because some of the essay writing companies are known for delivering low quality work. The foremost criteria are to search for an essay writing company which is not only after money but will also provide you with original freelance writing services.
You also need to be on your guard for certain freelance writing companies who covertly leak out information regarding their clients, through to the general public. This is a transgression of confidentiality, as there must be an agreement in place regarding ownership rights of any of articles after having submitted them to clients. A client must always rest assured that they get the full ownership rights of any freelance writing work, with an unequivocal guarantee that it will never be resold to anyone else.
If there is a need for specialised freelance written papers using secondary data to compile the information, the job can even be split separately obtain the primary research on a topic which appears complicated. This is a necessary action when consideration needs to be given to the reliability of certain websites and online portals as there are some which cannot be used in specialised academic freelance writing.
So how do freelance writers get started, in order to maximise on the demand and establish a relationship and reputation with potential clients? This is a somewhat perplexing question that most aspiring freelancers ask and even get worried about. The response to the question is that the route is simple, if you follow a proven methodology and not take any unwarranted short cuts. Always be yourself, focus on the topic on hand and deliver the best you can. There should be no rush as it is important to build up your work experience in a gradual manner until you reach a more prominent and stable writing position.

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Writing a Good Custom Essay

A good essay makes a lasting impression on the reader about your thoughts. It is imperative that the ideas chosen are clear to the writer's thoughts. A custom essay is meant to convey a topic in details and has to be written a stern attention to fact. Now we look at the basics of essays in general.
The introduction of an essay is where the writer ushers in the central idea behind the essay. It may very well contain some facts and a basic idea of the remaining part of the essay. For a custom essay meant for evaluation make sure that the topic is researched first. Do not hesitate to write and re-write the essay once you have researched the topic of the custom essay well enough.
Make your body descriptive and clear. Use multiple paragraphs if necessary. A custom essay has details embedded into the topic and those details have to be discussed separately. The use of details can be strengthened by using valid examples. Do not hesitate to quote experts on the topic and make sure that appropriate references are included. Attach a bibliography at the end of the essay if you have to. Make sure that you address the topic diligently.
The conclusion shows the significance of the point that is made in the essay. This is a checkpoint for the reader. A brief on what was discussed in the essay and what conclusion was reached, in other words you have to summarize the essay and your viewpoint. A very good way of ending a custom essay is with future references or the adept reference to a larger issue at hand. It will make the reader think on the topic.
There are three types of custom essay, the expository writing, narrative writing, and the provocative writing type.
  • The expository type essay that explains a certain topic to the reader. It follows the most basic essay structure; the introduction, the body and the conclusion. The only distinctive feature of this type of custom essay is the body of the essay which contains arguments of reason.
  • The narrative custom essay type has more of the writer's experiences; it doesn't always imply that it has to be in first person narrative.
  • Provocative essays come in handy when describing products and services. The body of the essay contains facts and experiences related to current issues. In this type of essay plagiarism must be avoided.
The process of editing your own work becomes difficult sometimes. Read it out loud so that the small fallacies of punctuation and spelling errors come to your notice. Using a word processing tool on a computer also helps in polishing the custom essay. The bibliography if any comes at the end of an essay. You can also make note of any references used.

Custom Essays 
Thesis Writing

5 Steps to Write the Perfect Essay

Well presented essay writing is a vital craft to help you win at school and university exams, however it is surprising how difficult it is to get guidance on how to write a winning essay. Students are often left feeling let down when they receive a marked essay back from their lecturer, with no clear indication as to how they are to improve. Here are some pointers to help you improve your essays.
One common issue for many students is that they dread writing the essay at all. The semester goes by and the work remains unwritten. You need to start working out coping routines as soon as you can. Throughout your working life there will be times when you are given tiring tasks that you feel bored by, so building up your self motivation now is an ability that will be useful for the rest of your life. Perhaps you feel more focused after a trip to the gym or maybe you need to reward yourself at the end of the time you ringfence for essays. Work out which tools are best for you.
Once you are given the essay questions, set about planning your time. Consider the time you have until the assignment is due, get out your calendar and start making plans. You want to be done with the main writing of the essay weeks before it is due, so that you have plenty of time to type it up. Don't leave it so late that you're rushing.
Essay Plans
Spend time on an essay plan in order to save time later in the essay writing process.
Making a plan should be completed every time you begin a new essay. Start by making sure you understand the question. Then brainstorm the ideas that might be useful for the essay. After that, organize your thoughts in a logical order in an essay plan.
Hitting the library
Once you have an idea of the essay structure, you need to head to the library to find the recommended reading material or search for journal articles through an online journal archive like JSTOR. With a university essay, you want to have completed this stage (and the steps listed above) as quickly as you can. You are competing for research material with everyone else in the class, so get into the library as quickly as possible. If one of your classmates has already got to the materials you need, it is advisable that you put your name on the waiting list for those books to make sure you get them next.

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